
jQuery 1.3 : Working with numeric form data (part 3) - Parsing and formatting currency

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12/19/2010 3:59:02 PM
Parsing and formatting currency

Now, we can move on to the totals in the right-hand column. Each row's total cost should be calculated by multiplying the quantity entered by the price of that item. Since we're now performing multiple tasks for each row, we can begin by refactoring the quantity calculations a bit to be row-based rather than field-based:

$('#cart tbody tr').each(function() {
var quantity = parseInt($('td.quantity input', this).val());
totalQuantity += quantity;

This produces the same result as before, but we now have a convenient place to insert our total cost calculation for each row:

$('td.quantity input').change(function() {
var totalQuantity = 0;
$('#cart tbody tr').each(function() {
var price = parseFloat($('td.price', this).text()
.replace(/^[^\d.]*/, ''));
price = isNaN(price) ? 0 : price;
var quantity =
parseInt($('td.quantity input', this).val());
var cost = quantity * price;
$('td.cost', this).text('$' + cost);
totalQuantity += quantity;
$('tr.shipping td.quantity').text(String(totalQuantity));

We fetch the price of each item out of the table using the same technique we needed when sorting tables by price earlier. The regular expression first strips the currency symbols off from the front of the value, and the resulting string is then sent to parseFloat(), which interprets the value as a floating-point number. Since we will be doing calculations with the result, we need to check that a number was found, and set the price to 0 if not. Finally, we multiply the cost by the quantity, and then place the result in the total column with a $ preceding it. We can now see our total calculations in action:

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